Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Healthy Snacks

As I was eating my afternoon snack of freshly roasted pumpkin seeds, a banana and homemade coconut milk, I was reminded of the beauty of truly natural foods and I had to snap a photo.  It's easy to forget, in this world of fast and convenient foods, the value of simply prepared foods in their most natural state.

If you would like to make these roasted pumpkin seeds for your own mid-afternoon (or anytime) snack, I've included the recipe here.

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Place raw (green) pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet into a 300 degree oven.  Using a spatula, toss occassionally to prevent them from burning.  When they smell fragrant and just start to brown, they're done.  Remove baking sheet and allow to cool before transferring seeds into an airtight container.

Here's some food for thought:

Did you know?... 1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds contains 184 mg. magnesium, 405 mg. phosphorus, 5.16 mg iron, 278 mg. potassium, 8 mg. protein & 186 calories making pumpkin seeds a terrific mid-day snack option! Add 1/4 cup of sulfate-free dried fruit for extra flavor and nutrition.